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Writer's picture: Jaclyn DelacroixJaclyn Delacroix

Originally posted on

I don’t know why I ever think it’s going to be any different but Easter comes and goes and then I find that I am flat out like a lizard drinking till about mid October, why I thought 2014 would be any different is beyond me, and so I apologize for the long gap between the last update and this one.

Post Easter and long thought about and finally executed “Cross Border” ride finally occurred. Muddbunnies Club Vancouver joined forces with Muddbunnies Club Seattle and we picked Bellingham, called it the middle and met there. Over 30 girls from both Canada and the USA turned out, the weather chose to be agreeable and we had a pretty amazing ride all over Galbraith Mountain. I also want to give a quick shout out to Fanatik Bikes in Bellingham as they hosted us both pre and post ride, and gave us beer!

Galbraith Muddbunnies riding club group mountain bike ride

I suppose the reason I feel like this year would have been calmer than in the past as I finally said goodbye to the world of accounting (again!) and decided to bravely venture into a business that’s much closer to my lifestyle and way of it. Yes I’m talking about Ozmosis Training, which puts all the good stuff I like to do into one package (Personal training and Mountain bike Coaching) This also meant I could help the Muddbunnies kick off our fundraising season by throwing them some of my time, we then proceeded to run a couple of clinics that were well received all of the money raised going directly into the club coffers.

Muddbunnies riding club mountain bike clinics with ozmosis training

After or perhaps during all of this, we also managed to have our second trail day on our new trail, Dale's. Again we had an amazing group turn out, the special treat for this trail day was the trails namesake, Dale actually came along to help out for the day! We got a whole bunch of work just above the huge rock roll that is the signature feature on the trail, this was our last full day trail day now until the fall. Two reasons, firstly it can get pretty dry over the summer and that doesn’t make for the best conditions to do trail work in and secondly, I can sum up in one word “SUMMER”

North Shore Mountain Bike Association NSMBA TAP trail day on Dale's Trail Mt Seymour with Muddbunnies & Ryders Eyewear

The other big and exciting thing that happens every year (well in my mind) is the Whistler bike park opens, along with all the trail in the Whistler Valley… but just forget about those and go ride the bike park, nothing to see out there, nothing at all! I know like for many people, Whistler is to me this magical playground. Almost every Saturday morning starts with a big breakfast, often followed by a now, semi-famous; Jac-Venture! After said adventure, which can last anywhere from 2 hours to "ooops there went the whole day", a quick lunch then afternoon or evening laps in the bike park. Life is all about balance right, so what must be pedaled must also be lift accessed… yes please and thank you.

Whistler bike park & whistler valley trail mountain biking endless trails

This year after discussion with the board I decided to revive the Cypress club rides for the Muddbunnies. Cypress still holds the (somewhat deserved) reputation of being gnarly and hardcore, so it always gives me the utmost pleasure to take a group of Bunnies over to what is still probably my favourite mountain on the Shore and watch them grow as riders as they challenge themselves on the raw and natural terrain that makes up Cypress.

Muddbunnies Cypress mountain biking shuttling downhill bikes


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